About Mandir Wijchen

The Shree Raam Mandir has been realized by the foundation Jai Hanuman Wijchen.

After many years of organizing gatherings in private homes the group of interested people grew to such a degree that a change took place to weekly services in existing halls within the municipality.

The necessity of an own location where the faith could be disseminated in a pure way resulted in plans for the construction of a Shree Raam Mandir.

Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and donors the Shree Raam Mandir was opened in December 2005.

The Shree Raam Mandir is a place where you can come and view and serve God.

Moreover various courses are offered and activities are organized related to Hindudharm.

The Shree Raam Mandir is accessible to all interested.

Opening hours:
From Monday to Sunday inclusive 19:00 – 20:00 h
Sunday 13:00 – 15:00 (bhajan/kirtan & katha)

Opening hours shop:
Sunday 15:15 to 16:30

Shree Raam Mandir
Stationslaan 18, 6602 BP Wijchen
Info: 024-6425883, 06-33 83 56 53

IBAN (Banknummer) NL86INGB0008634188
t.n.v. Stichting Jai Hanuman Wijchen.

More about Mandir Wijchen

Mission and Vision



